NPA strives to provide needed classroom materials, items, equipment, and the like to its teachers to better serve of student’s learning needs. Use the steps below to complete a purchase order.

Step 1

Use the template below for your Order (use the pointers below for assistance or seek assistance from Department Head or Mr. Danner)

PO Template for 2024-25 rev 20240422.xlsx

Step 2

Submit digital copy of purchase order to Department Head

Step 3

Department Head to review then forward to Principal Litwicki and CC Steve Danne

Step 4

Principal to review for final approval and purchase

Step 5

Mrs. Riordan will distribute items as they arrive

Purchase Order Pointers

Amazon Exemplar

Example for Amazon POs 2024-25.xlsx

from the desk of Steve Danner

Many of the POs I receive back each spring have one small flaw or another.  When this happens, I sometimes clean them up myself after receiving them if it’s super minor.   Other times, I need to track down teachers to clear up gaps, etc.. I would like to avoid that, so I am asking everyone to help me out and double check that you do the following when submitting POs: