You will coach, lead, follow, facilitate, request, follow up, communicate, prepare, execute, imagine, collaborate, embrace, reject, plan, laugh, commiserate, and maybe if you have time . . . eat.
This portion gives a few bits of advice regarding your interaction with others in the workplace, from your position.
<aside> 🧲 Action Item
Take this all in slowly, practice, form questions, talk to the group about your experiences and grow!
This article goes pretty far into it and gives you some considerations for the entire feel for different types of meetings.
This touches on emotional agility but, gives some very specific pointers on the day-to-day work a good leader can practice.
Using your head, heart and hands to become a more empathetic leader
From the same Hurwitz and Hurwitz book, a nice chapter on different types of communication practices that are very effective!